martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Tuesday, 31st March 2020

Hi all! How are you?

Come on, today is the last Tuesday of the second term!

Let's work a little bit :-)

Open your activity book, page 43.

Exercise 29, you can see pupils book, page 40 to answer the questions. Remember, we have talked about these information in class.

Exercise 30, write the missing words and match.

When you finish, go to page 85 (activity book), you have to do exercises 1 and 2 (perhaps you have already done them).

Finally, let's listen to a song:

Now, go to page 78 (activity book), do exercises 1 and 2. Do it without looking at the lyrics. Hacedlo sin mirar la letra de la canción (la podéis escuchar mientras los hacéis)

That's all for today. On Thursday, the last day of the second term, I will explain you a new project you can do. 

Take care, see you!

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

Saturday, 28th March 2020 (solutions and corrections)

Today, we are going to correct all the activities that you have done during these two weeks.

Let's go.

Activity book, page 39, exercise 18. (En este caso, os dejo un ejemplo de cómo podría ser, ya que hay más opciones)

Activity book, page 40, exercise 19.

Activity book, page 40, exercise 20.

Activity book, page 40, exercise 21

Activity book, page 97, exercise 2

Activity book, page 97, exercise 3

Activity book, page 97, exercise 4

Activity book, page 42, exercise 26

Activity book, page 42, exercise 27

Activity book, page 42, exercise 28

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 27th March 2020

Good morning!

Let's go with a new English lesson!

Open your activity book, page 42, let's review.

Exercise 26, listen and number. Then, match the places and the definitions.

Exercise 27, look at the clocks and write the times (in words)

Finally, exercise 28, write sentences. Look at the example first.

That's all for today's class.

If you want to practice some more English, today, or during the weekend, go to David's Corner, you'll find interesting activities. 

Oh! one more thing. Do you remember when we talked about Jamaica? Yes, in Unit 3... Ok, when we did the culture quiz, pupils book, page 30. You learnt that the most popular music in Jamaica is reggae...

Here you have an example "Everything's gonna be alright" Todo va a ir bien

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Thursday, 26th March 2020

Good morning everyone!!

Today, we are going to review a little bit the verb to be in the past with a song.

Now please, open your activity book, page 97. 

You have to do exercises 2, 3 and 4.

When you finish, you can go to David's Corner,  and learn mor about Maple Syrup :)

See you tomorrow! 

...and remember...

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Tuesday, 24th March 2020

Hi there! Let's go for Tuesday! :)

Today, we are going to start with a listening. You have to open your activity book, page 40. You have to listen (click on the next video) and circle the correct answers.

* corregiremos todos los ejercicios que estáis haciendo muy pronto.

Then, you have to open your pupils book, page 43. You have to read and translate (leer y traducir) the text "Places to visit in Liverpool".

Recuerda, apunta las palabras que no sepas en una hoja o cuaderno, y archívalo en la carpeta de Inglés, porque necesitarás ese vocabulario para el examen.

You can find some help here:

By the way (por cierto), Liverpool is an incredible city, look at this video:

After watching the video, write in comments which is your favorite place (or thing) in Liverpool.
Después de ver el video, escribe en comentarios, cuál es tu lugar (o cosa) favorita de Liverpool.

* para comentar, pincha en donde pone comentarios. Elige una opción donde pone "comentar como",  puedes poner "nombre" escribir tu nombre donde te lo solicite (donde pone URL no pongas nada), y comenta. El comentario tardará un poco en ser publicado, ten paciencia.

* premiaré vuestros comentarios con un positivo, que tendré en cuenta para las notas.

And that's all for today, take care and see you on Thursday.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 20th March 2020

Hi all!

As you probably already know, today is the first day of spring!

To celebrate it, David has prepared some activities for you, related to the weather.

Click on his blog, go to the activities prepared for 6th grade, and enjoy.

Have a nice weekend,

see you on Tuesday! :)

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Thursday, 19th March 2020

Hi there! Let's go for Thursday! :)

Today, you have to open your pupils book, page 42. You have to read and translate (leer y traducir) the text about technology in the city (tecnología en la ciudad).

Recuerda, apunta las palabras que no sepas en una hoja o cuaderno, y archívalo en la carpeta de Inglés, porque necesitarás ese vocabulario para el examen.

You can find some help here:

After that, you have to go to the activity book, page 40, and complete exercises 19 and 20.

That's all for today, see you tomorrow. Esto es todo por hoy, nos vemos mañana.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Tuesday, 17th March 2020.

Good morning! ¡Buenos días!

Recordad que la semana pasada acabamos viendo, en el Pupils Book, page 40, la canción de Molly Malone, cuya estatua es muy famosa en Dublín, capital de Irlanda (y por cierto, hoy es Saint Patrick's Day, el día de San Patricio). Luego seguimos hablando de esto...

La tarea para el día de hoy es:

First: pupils book, page 41, exercise 22.

Click on this words; click on listen, and repeat (haz click en estas palabras, pincha en "listen" y repite).


wheelchair access



Second: pupils book, page 41, exercise 23.

Watch this video:

Then Listen and read the dialogue. Tenéis que leer el texto y traducirlo. Las palabras que no entendáis, las podéis buscar

Third: activity book, page 39, exercise 18, read and complete the dialogue, leed y completad el diálogo (con vuestras propias palabras.

And that's all for today, esto es todo por hoy.

Ah, ya casi me olvidaba, que es Saint Patrick's!

Aquí os dejo la canción del otro día:

En el pupils book no tenéis toda la letra, os la dejo aquí.

Molly Malone

In Dublin's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
Alive, alive, oh
Alive, alive, oh
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
She was a fishmonger
And sure, t'was no wonder
For so were her mother and father before
And they wheeled their barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
Alive, alive, oh
Alive, alive, oh
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
She died of a fever
And sure, so one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Molly… 

Have a nice day, see you on Thursday! Pasad un buen día, nos vemos el jueves.