martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Tuesday, 17th March 2020.

Good morning! ¡Buenos días!

Recordad que la semana pasada acabamos viendo, en el Pupils Book, page 40, la canción de Molly Malone, cuya estatua es muy famosa en Dublín, capital de Irlanda (y por cierto, hoy es Saint Patrick's Day, el día de San Patricio). Luego seguimos hablando de esto...

La tarea para el día de hoy es:

First: pupils book, page 41, exercise 22.

Click on this words; click on listen, and repeat (haz click en estas palabras, pincha en "listen" y repite).


wheelchair access



Second: pupils book, page 41, exercise 23.

Watch this video:

Then Listen and read the dialogue. Tenéis que leer el texto y traducirlo. Las palabras que no entendáis, las podéis buscar

Third: activity book, page 39, exercise 18, read and complete the dialogue, leed y completad el diálogo (con vuestras propias palabras.

And that's all for today, esto es todo por hoy.

Ah, ya casi me olvidaba, que es Saint Patrick's!

Aquí os dejo la canción del otro día:

En el pupils book no tenéis toda la letra, os la dejo aquí.

Molly Malone

In Dublin's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
Alive, alive, oh
Alive, alive, oh
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
She was a fishmonger
And sure, t'was no wonder
For so were her mother and father before
And they wheeled their barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
Alive, alive, oh
Alive, alive, oh
Crying "cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh"
She died of a fever
And sure, so one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Molly… 

Have a nice day, see you on Thursday! Pasad un buen día, nos vemos el jueves.

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